Building a Launch Roadmap with Nichole Lauren

ID: Building a Launch Roadmap with Educator Nichole Lauren.

Discovering the Power of a Launch Roadmap

Have you ever felt lost when it comes to launching a new product or service in your business? Well, I’ve been there too. That’s why I decided to ask Nichole Lauren, an incredible attorney, wedding photographer, and consultant, to talk about her Launch Planning Spreadsheet and share a case study of her latest launch! Let’s dive in!

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The Importance of Priming Content

One key aspect that Nichole and I focused on was the concept of priming content. By adding value and getting her audience thinking about the topic before the official launch, she was able to create a deeper connection and generate more interest in her offering. This step really laid the foundation for a successful launch.

Overcoming Doubts and Pushing Through

Nichole shares there were moments of doubt during the process. She questioned myself and the direction she was taking. However, with the guidance of her coach, she was able to push through those doubts and continue promoting her offer. And guess what? It paid off in the end!

Embracing the Long Game

Launching a new product or service is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It’s essential to keep going even when you feel like giving up. Nichole learned that consistency and perseverance are key ingredients in the recipe for a successful launch. And trust us, it’s worth it in the end!

Sharing the Launch Roadmap Resource

If you’re looking to streamline your own launch process, Nichole got just the resource for you. She’s created a Launch Planning Spreadsheet that outlines the key steps from pre-launch to post-launch. It’s a resource that has been invaluable to me, and I’m excited to share it with fellow entrepreneurs.

Connect with Nichole Lauren and Me

If you want to learn more about building a successful launch roadmap and diving deeper into the world of business growth, make sure to follow Nichole Lauren on Instagram at @_NicholeLauren. You can also connect with me on Instagram at @ChristiJohnsonCreative for more tips, tricks, and insights into the entrepreneurial journey.

Building launch roadmaps has taught me the power of strategic planning, the importance of priming my audience, and the value of perseverance in the face of challenges. I hope Nichole’s journey inspires you to approach your next launch with confidence and clarity. Remember, you’ve got this!

Key Moments:

  • 00:00 Welcome to the Dream Biz Podcast!
  • 00:43 Introducing Nichole Lauren: Attorney, Photographer, and Consultant
  • 05:01 Nichole’s Journey and Mastermind Launch Insights
  • 15:21 The Power of Priming and Persistence in Launching
  • 23:01 Nichole’s Launch Roadmap: A Must-Have Resource
  • 25:11 Closing Thoughts and Next Steps

Resources Mentioned

Important Links

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