How the Right Community Can Change Your Life & Business

September 26, 2022

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A Difficult Season

In late 2018, my husband and I moved to California. We are both from South Carolina, so our new home was a big adjustment. All of our families and friends were back in the southeast, and I left my business community behind. My husband took a new job and I started a new business. I became a private photo editor. It was something I could do from home and a skill I already had. The busyness set in and the burnout came quickly. I was unhappy and honestly homesick.

One Relationship Changed Everything

In November 2019, I met up with someone that I immediately clicked with. She & I got each other from the beginning. This friend understood me, supported me, and let me process what was going on in my life. She let me take up space and she told me it was all going to be okay. From that moment on, everything was different. I was happier at work. I started connecting with more people. Joy came back into my life. Having just one close friend changed everything.

We are meant to be in community with each other. Our humanness is the biggest thing that connects us. No matter who we are or where we come from, we all share in the human experience. We all know what it’s like to be human. I believe that’s what connects us.

But can you experience that connection as a business owner? I believe you can. Absolutely.

A Business Community Unlike Any Other

It’s no secret that I love community. I’m a part of several really supportive communities. Usually when you walk into a networking group, they can be super fake. People tend to keep each other at arms length. They just talk about them in the best light. If you show weakness, they think people won’t want to work with you.

I don’t think that’s true at all. We can show up fully human, even in a business community. I experience that in The Rising Tide Society. For me, it’s the most supportive community I am a part of.

In early 2020, I joined a community hosted by Chelsea Foster, a business coach. We got together every week to share our goals and work with each other. It was amazing. I felt inspired every single day for the first time in my life. And I felt like I was actually making progress on my goals. That I was closer to my dreams every single day.

Do you want in on that?

Join my Masterclass and I can show you exactly how to make that a reality in your life. A supportive community changes everything.

Follow Christi: you enjoy this episode? Check out more episodes all about building your business and finding balance HERE.If you liked this episode, consider pinning it to Pinterest


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