If you’ve followed me for a while or read my recent post about Matt’s and my love story, you’ve heard of Jon & Eve. These two are some of the most wonderful humans you will ever meet. I first met Eve through one of my closest friends, Savannah while I was still in high school. We’d run into each other occasionally and always have the best conversations and wish we were actually friends. You know those people you hardly ever see but you know they’re awesome and you just feel like the two of you would get along so well? Yep, that’s how it was with Eve.
Fast forward a few years, and she met the man of her dreams, Jon. I had the crazy awesome privilege of photographing their engagement photos and their wedding back in 2015. To this day, it’s one of my favorites that I’ve ever shot! Fast forward two more years, and they are the ones responsible for introducing me to my husband, Matt! Matt & Jon are close friends and work together on a side business, so now we get to hang out with them pretty frequently, and I finally got my wish of actually being friends with Eve!
Jon and Eve are some of the most caring, genuine people you will ever meet! Eve is spunky, hilarious, and speaks her mind, and Jon is funny, caring, and charming. They love Jesus so much and are always finding ways to show others that they care! They’re a match made in heaven, and I’m so glad that we can call them friends! Last Friday I knew the fall colors weren’t going to last very long, so I texted Eve and said, “Hey. Do you want to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and let me take your pictures at Bald Rock?” She was crazy enough to say yes. We got up at 5:30AM and headed over to Bald Rock and witnessed the most glorious sunrise before photographing these two lovebirds. I hope you enjoy this session as much as I do!
Bald Rock Couple Session

Just for fun, here’s an image of the sunrise and some other hilarious photos! There was a photographer down there getting the cutest engagement photos! I’m sure they turned out AMAZING! Also, I put Matt to work…