Why Should You Outsource Your Editing?

why outsource your editing
why outsource your editing

Are you wondering if it’s time to outsource your editing? Not sure if the expense is actually worth it? Or maybe you’ve heard about outsourcing but aren’t really sure what it’s all about. Then keep reading! Today I’m sharing seven reasons why outsourcing your editing can help your business and reduce your stress!

Why Outsource Your Editing

Free Up Time

This is probably the BIGGEST reason that photographers outsource their editing. They need HELP! Maybe you’re drowning in editing, or maybe you just want more time to RELAX and spend more time with your friends and family. Whatever your need, outsourcing your editing will free up hours of time.

Pursue Your Passion

Maybe you just hate editing and you don’t want to do it anymore. That’s fair! Or maybe you would rather spend your time taking MORE photos or working on creative projects. Maybe you love education and want to invest more time in that side of your business! Whatever you love, outsourcing your editing can give you the chance to spend more time doing more of it!

Increase your Profitability

I know what you’re thinking. Outsourcing your editing costs money. So how exactly does that increase your profitability? The answer is by freeing up your time to invest in parts of your business that are more profitable! Let’s say your average wedding package is $3000 and takes 30 hours of your time from that initial email inquiry to final delivery of the gallery. If you outsource your editing, you may pay your editor anywhere from $200-300, but you’ll probably get back 6 hours of time or more. With those 6 hours you can develop a pdf for your online store that will generate passive income from you. Or you can have 12 mini sessions and charge $200 per session. Or spend those 6 hours networking and marketing. Your time is valuable!! Why not spend it doing what’s most profitable?

Reduce your Stress

Many photographers have more on their plate than just photography. They’re moms juggling housework, meal planning, and 2AM feedings for their newborn. They’re students with mountains of homework and obligations. Or they have other full-time jobs and just do this on the side. Thinking about editing all those sessions on top of that??? STRESSFUL. Or maybe you normally can handle the editing, but it’s your busy season and you have 15 sessions this week and you can’t thinking about all. that. work. ahead of you. If you outsource your editing, you don’t have to worry about that!! Let your editor take something off your plate so you can focus on what’s important!

Build Consistency in Your Editing

As a private photo editor, I’m the only one editing for you. I’m not a huge company with a million editors. It’s just me. 🙂 So we get to build a lasting relationship. I’ll become a student of your work and learn to think like you. I know that as a photographer, sometimes you just have off days and don’t edit consistently. It’s hard!!! As an editor, I provide an objective eye for you and I’ll work hard to deliver consistent galleries.

Deliver Galleries Faster

Do you find yourself lagging behind your deadlines? Do you have clients from 3 months ago still waiting on their images? Let me take that off your plate!!! If you’re finding yourself constantly delivering galleries later than you want to, maybe it’s time to outsource. If you want to deliver weddings in 7 days, we can do that! Or if you want it in 30 days, we can do that! I will adjust my schedule to fit in YOUR workflow and get your images to you when YOU want them.

Regain Your Peace of Mind

This one is huge too! With so many responsibilities pulling for our attention, it’s easy to sometimes let the ball slip. Maybe you forgot that John & Sara are still waiting on their gallery because that was just a busy week for you. I get it!!! By having an editor and making outsourcing a part of your normal workflow, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to edit photos. Not only that, but I spent 10 years as a photographer! You can rest easy knowing that your images are in good hands. I’ll take care of them!!

If you want to know more about why I decided to become an editor, check out this blog post!

photo editor christi johnson creative

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