Top 3 Mistakes You’re Making that are Making You Overwhelmed, Insecure, & Lonely

November 7, 2022

top 3 mistakes you're making that are making you overwhelmed insecure & lonely

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Top 3 Mistakes You’re Making That Are Making You Overwhelmed Insecure & Lonely

Being business owners is vulnerable. There is no corporate facade to hide behind. It’s just you. And in the realm of social media, it’s easy to play the comparison game. Everyone’s seeming success feels like it diminishes your own. All this bubbles up and boils over, causing you to feel like maybe you can’t be truly vulnerable with others. On today’s podcast episode, we’re discussing the top 3 mistakes you’re making that are making you overwhelmed insecure & lonely.

Mistake #1: You pack your schedule full to the brim

Our culture tells that busyness is a badge of honor. What do you say when someone asks “How are you?” BUSY! Right? We all do it. In fact, busyness in and of itself isn’t bad. After all, we have to work to live, to provide. But when it becomes something that contributes to negative feelings in you, there has to be a line drawn.

We fear letting others down because we expect to be superhuman. We think we have to accomplish everything, all the time. But then we forget that our intrinsic worth is not in what we can accomplish but in who we are to our core.

We also see everything on our phones. The digital age has contributed immensely to our FOMO. If we aren’t doing what they’re doing, we feel sorely behind.

Friend, there is a better way. Invite space in your schedule, set boundaries with your phone, and do what you want to do. When you choose what’s important you can ignore what is not.

Mistake #2: You compare yourself to others

Social media is such an amazing tool, but it can also be used as a harmful space. Whether we like it or not, we look around and measure ourselves against someone else’s version of success. We are human, after all. But what if I told you there was a better way?

What if I told you you don’t have to best at everything. You can just be the best at being yourself. Read that again.

Practicing self-compassion is a great place to start with this concept. When you truly listen to and appreciate yourself for exactly who you are, what others are doing won’t matte as much.

Friend, get clear on your own goals and values. Pursue that and nothing else!

Mistake #3: You’re Trying to do it all alone

Our culture is very individualistic, which isn’t all bad. It helps us be creative, inventive, and motivates us to pursue our dreams. But life wasn’t never meant to be spent alone and without community. We were meant to share the weight of our burdens. And we can experience more joy when we share it.

The truth is, we fear people’s opinions. We want others to like us, so we water down our stories. We tell what we think people want to hear and leave out the harder and rougher parts. The problem is that when we do this, we can’t be fully seen and met in our mess.

Finally, the nature of being an entrepreneur means that a lot of us are working from home. It can be refreshing to not live the corporate 9-5 life, but we’re also missing the community of working with others. The solution is to get plugged in to join or start a community.

Lucky for you, I have just the group for you. It’s my Christi’s Biz Besties Community. Join free today! (Link below)

Thanks for joining me today as we discussed the top 3 mistakes you’re making that are making you overwhelmed insecure & lonely. See you next week!

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