Creating a White Glove Client Experience

April 5, 2023

creating a white glove client experience

Are you looking to take your client experience to the next level? Creating a white glove experience is all about prioritizing your clients’ needs, genuinely caring about their success, personalizing their experience, and solving issues before they arise. In this episode, we’ll explore how to give your clients the best possible experience with a few simple tips.

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What is a White Glove Client Experience?

HubSpot has a great definition for this: “White-glove customer service is the process of surpassing clients’ expectations by prioritizing their needs, genuinely caring about their success, personalizing their experience, and solving for issues before they arise.” Let’s talk about how to create that in your business!

Know Your Clients’ Needs

Firstly, you need to know what your client’s needs are. Take the time to understand their pain points and hesitations to working with you. Where do they need help? Once you know what they need, you can deliver a personalized experience that exceeds their expectations.

Communicate with Kindness & Care

Next, communicate with kindness and care. This means answering questions promptly and with enthusiasm. Avoid being too short or curt in your emails or phone calls, as this can come across as unprofessional. Your CRM can help you automate personalized emails that sound like they were written just for your client.

Clearly Communicate your Process

It’s also essential to know your process through and through. Clearly lay out what your process is for working with clients and answer any questions before they arise. This can be achieved through an FAQ page on your website or an FAQ rundown in one of the emails you send them. Be sure to work through your process with at least three clients, so you can anticipate their questions and answer them effectively.

Go the Extra Mile

Lastly, exceed their expectations. Communicating with kindness and care, knowing your process, and understanding your clients’ needs will help to exceed their expectations. Go the extra mile to make them feel special, whether it’s by sending a personalized gift or a handwritten note. Little touches like these can make all the difference.

Gather Client Feedback to Understand Your Weak Points

There may be areas in your business where you aren’t communicating as well as you think you are. To figure out these things, ask your clients for feedback! Ask them if there is anything you could do to improve your services. If you had someone book with someone eother than you, you can ask them to share their reasons for choosing someone else. Their feedback will be invaluable!

5 Parts of Your Experience you can Automate

  • Booking Process – Ep. 67
  • Invoices/Payment reminders
  • Onboarding Process – Ep. 78
  • Client Gifts
  • Offboarding Process

When you offer a white glove experience, you will have happier clients that will rave about you. You can also charge premium prices!

If you want help creating your white glove experience, contact me! I’m an online business manager and can set up and maintain systems for you!


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