Starting a business can be an exciting, yet overwhelming process. As someone who has worked with many entrepreneurs, I see several common mistakes that people make when starting their businesses. Today I’m sharing the top five mistakes that I see business owners making.
Mistake #1: Not Setting Clearly Defined Goals
One of the biggest mistakes that business owners make is not setting clear goals. It’s essential to have a vision of what you want your business to look like, who you want your business to serve, and what your business is going to bring to the world. Not just monetary goals, but also goals for personal and business growth. Setting goals helps you determine if you’re successful and if you’re actually growing. It’s vital to have something measurable to judge your business against and determine whether you’re achieving your goals. If you’re unsure of how to set goals, check out my podcast playlist for new business owners or attend my free five-day business challenge.
Mistake #2: Not Communicating Confidence with Your Brand
The second mistake that business owners make is not communicating confidence with their brand and messaging from the beginning. It’s essential to present yourself as a professional and communicate clearly what you’re going to be offering your clients and how it will make their lives easier. When you communicate that you’re not professional or confident, people will not want to work with you. Therefore, from the very beginning, you should be communicating a clear message about what you’re going to help people do in your business, what results you’ll give them, and how they’ll feel after working with you.
Mistake #3: Not Setting Up Your Business Legally from the Beginning
As a service-based business owner, it’s important to set up your business legally from the start. This can seem overwhelming, but there are resources available to help you, such as online legal services or business lawyers. By setting up your business correctly, you can protect yourself from potential legal issues down the road. A great place to start is by getting a free business mentor from SCORE.org. You can also visit your state’s business resources on their state website.
Mistake #4: Not Having a Clear Marketing Strategy
I’ve seen a lot of people think that by simply having a good service, a website, and posting on Instagram that they should be getting clients. But business is not a build it and they will come game. A marketing strategy is essential for any service-based business. It can be challenging to create one on your own, but it’s worth the effort. Consider your target audience, your unique value proposition, and the best ways to reach your potential clients. You may want to consider working with a marketing consultant. Or you can take an online course to help you develop an effective marketing plan.
Mistake #5: Not Having a Productivity Plan that Aligns with You
It can be easy to get overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities. That’s why it’s important to develop a productivity plan that works for you. This may include scheduling your time, delegating tasks, and using productivity tools to streamline your workflow. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find what works best for you. Remember, the goal is to increase your productivity so that you can focus on growing your business and providing excellent service to your clients.
Need Help? Join my Free Kickstart Your Business Challenge!
Want help with these 5 business mistakes? I’m going to cover all of it and MORE with amazing guest speakers too in my free 5-day Challenge to Kickstart Your Business. It’s happening May 22 – 26, but if you are reading this later you can still sign up to get the replays! Head over to christijoihnsoncreative.com/kickstart to sign up for FREE!