10 Signs Outsourcing May Be Right For You

May 14, 2019

10 signs outsourcing your editing may be right for you

Have you considered outsourcing your editing but just aren’t sure if you’re ready? It can be difficult to give up control on such a big aspect of your business. Perhaps you’re worried that you won’t like the edits, your clients will be upset, or you just don’t want to ask for help. I totally get it! Outsourcing can be a MAJOR stress reliever and free up so much of your time! And, you don’t need to worry about your clients! They’ll be so happy to get their images faster. Or, you don’t even have to tell them that you’re outsourcing because they won’t even know the difference! The beauty of working with a private photo editor is that there’s only one person working on your images and learning your style. All they will know is they love their images and you delivered them when you wanted to. If you’re on the fence about editing, keep reading to hear 10 signs that outsourcing may be right for you!

You Have Clients Waiting on Images

We all tend to fall behind at some times, and things can pile up. Sometimes it’s because of overwork and not asking for help!! If it seems like this happens to you more often than it should, outsourcing could really help! Your clients are excited to see their images, and by outsourcing your editing you can achieve a faster turnaround time!

You have a full calendar

If your calendar is jam-packed it might be time to look into outsourcing. Whether you have so many shoots you can’t keep up, or whether you’re juggling a full-time job and this is your side hustle, you shouldn’t burn yourself out! Or maybe you’re a mom juggling all of the things. It’s okay to ask for help!

You hate editing

Do you feel a sense of dread when you have to edit sessions? Then outsource it so you can focus on what you actually love!!

You want to invest in other areas of your business

Maybe you want to spend time marketing, creating educational content, or branching into another area but you just don’t have time for it. Or maybe you’d like to start offering other products and services in your business. Outsourcing your editing can take something off your plate to free up that time for you!

You’re stressed

Editing does not have to be a pain point in your business. Outsourcing is a great way to reduce your stress!

You’re Confident in Your Editing Style

Outsourcing works REALLY well with photographers who are confident in their styles. Editing is SUCH a personal part of your business. If you’re able to find the good light that matches your style and you can confidently deliver consistent galleries, then you are TOTALLY ready to hire an editor. You’ll be able to explain your process to your editor easily, and she’ll be able to learn your style quickly.

You want to spend more time with friends and family

Does editing eat up your family time? We’ve all been there. Late-night editing sessions or working all weekend doesn’t have to happen. You CAN get your life back and outsourcing can help!

You want to book more clients but don’t know how you’ll fit them in

Do you really want to grow your business and shoot more but have absolutely no idea how you’ll fit them in or tackle all that extra editing? Outsourcing is a great solution!

You just hired an associate photographer

Many successful photographers hire associate photographers to help book more clients and take on extra work. That’s a big step and something that should be congratulated! But if you’re not sure who will do all that extra editing or if your associate photographer isn’t able to, then it’s time to look into outsourcing!

You just want some time to relax!

If any of these sound like you, let’s chat today! I’d love to serve you! If you have any questions about the outsourcing process, check out my previous post!

the outsourcing process explained step by step by christi johnson creative private phtoo editor. title card with laptop black notebook and succulent


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