Here are 3 ways to consider setting up your schedule to accomplish your goals little by little.
1. Use Batch Work & Time Blocks
Batch working is one of the best ways to get a lot of work done in a shorter amount of time. It’s just when you do multiple of the same type of work in one sitting instead of shifting your focus to different tasks. You can also set up for yourself a block schedule and batch work during these blocks! With a blocked schedule, you organize the tasks that you need to do related to your business by categories and then put those blocks of time in your schedule. If you can’t fit everything in one week you can have A/B weeks or have some items with just one block per month or one block per quarter!
I have full length blog posts on each of these.
Learn More about Batch Work
Learn More about Time Blocking
2. Have Themed Days
Another way to easily organize your tasks & accomplish your goals little by little is to have themed days. Instead of being scattered and thinking of everything all at once, just have certain days where you do certain tasks! You could have an admin day, a chores/housework day, a client work day, a marketing day, and so on! Then you just work on the most important tasks for those categories on those days or you get to work on your goal action plans related to those categories!
3. Use the Top Three Method
Lately, this has been my favorite method! I just pick 3 things to work on each day. That’s it! You can check out a full episode/blog post on this method here. With this system, I’ve been able to slay my to do list every single day! I also learned another great tip from JP Rainsford’s Balance Newsletter! They use the Top 3 Method, but they also choose 3 overarching goals for the week and that helps them know which tasks to work on daily. So their 3 daily tasks will be related to the over-arching weekly goals! I think that’s a great way to know what to work on each day. You could also have 3 quarterly goals or monthly goals & have a hierarchy of goals you’re working on!
Tips for setting up your schedule
Finally, I just want to give you some tips for setting up your schedule in the best way to get stuff done little by little. Having great habits is one of the best ways to accomplish your goals. So let’s talk about some of those tips!
1. Put the “big rocks” in first
Make sure you prioritize the necesities. This is sleep, exercise, and other healthy habits. These things are so important for your mental health and will also spill over into your work week!
2. Create a morning routine that energizes you
This has been one of the BEST ways to energize me to get stuff done and accomplish my goals. I just started exercising consistently in 2021 and it’s been a game changer for my mood & my productivity. Right now I just exercise 3 days a week and I can tell a HUGE difference in my productivity and mood on the days I don’t go work out. When I get home from the pool I also make myself a latte and sit & have my quiet time. I have about an hour to myself before I have to start work and it’s amazing! It gets me ready to start my day.
3. Have bigger, flexible chunks of time, not stressful smaller activities
I used to schedule out my days by the hour. Can you say stressful?!?! If i got behind in anything I just got incredibly stressed. So having bigger chunks of time (time blocking) that are more flexible can really help you focus, get more done, & reduce overwhelm.
4. Build in repetition
You can build in repetition to make things easy to remember! You can do all your chores on Wednesday mornings or have mornings for personal tasks and afternoons for business tasks. Or you can do all your financials on Fridays or content creation on Mondays. Whatever works for you to help you remember!
5. Include Free Time & Time for What Makes You Happy
This is a big one! Make sure that you include time for what makes you happy. Similarly to taking care of yourself by putting the big rocks first and having a morning routine that energizes you, including free time and time for what makes you happy will do wonders on your mental health.
6. Set boundaries
This is important! Make sure that you stop work at a certain time. Avoid the temptation to let work spill over into all hours of the day. Also, consider limiting the amount of meetings you have a week so that you can have the energy to move your business forward!
7. Know what time of day you work best
Some people work better in the morning, and others work better in the afternoon or evening or even late at night! Know what time of day you work best and schedule the tasks that require the most “brain power” or teh tasks you least enjoy doing for that time when you’re energized and motivated.
8. “Eat the Frog”
Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” That just means get those tasks that you don’t want to do over with first so they aren’t hanging over your head all day! We tend to procrastinate on those things we don’t want to do. If you want more help with procrastinating, check out this episode!
9. Have one day a week with no meetings on your agenda
This is along the same lines of setting boundaries, but it’s so important I think it deserves its own space. I like to have one day a week where I have no meetings on my agenda. I don’t go out and run errands, I don’t have any meetings, I don’t go see people. It’s my day to catch up on tasks that have gotten behind or really crank out a ton of work. When I have a crowded schedule I get stressed out, so having a full day to just let things flow is incredible!
10. Use the Pomodoro Technique
Last but not least, using the pomodoro techinque is a great way to get work done in small chunks of time. You set a timer for 25 minutes and do work without distractions. Then you set another timer for 5 minutes and you can do whatever you want during those 5. It’s kind of like rewarding yourself for getting stuff done but also just motivating you to really crank things out! Then you repeat the process. It works wonders!
Last but not least, if you want to ask any questions for the podcast or get more help to accomplish your goals, check out my Free Facebook Group – The Freedom to Flourish Community.
Want to download a guide with these steps? Check it out here!
Other Freebies:
- Dream Biz Roadmap (steps to start your business)
- What Type of Launch Host Are You? Quiz
- Vision Casting Guide
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