Free Business Planning Workshop
Need some help with your business planning? I’ve got a FREE workshop replay just for you!
Be sure to join the community to get more help and get access to my free worksheet to go along with the workshop!
If you want more help in your business, check out my Freedom to Flourish Course on Goal Setting & Productivity!
We’ll be covering 5 parts of Business Planning:
- Taking Inventory of the Previous Year | What Happened?
In this section, we will take a look at your finances, your processes, your sales, your marketing strategies, and your social media strategies to see what happened.
- Analyzing Trends from the Previous Year | What are the trends?
In this section, we’ll analyze the data that we uncovered from section one.
- Casting a Vision for Your Business | What is Your Purpose?
Before you begin business planning, it’s important to cast a vision for the year. This step is so important but often overlooked!
- Brainstorming For This Year | What do you want to accomplish?
Next, we will brainstorm everything we want to acccomplish in the coming year.
- Planning for This Year | How are you going to accomplish that?
Now that we’ve brainstormed, we can start planning. How are we going to make this the most successful year yet? Here’s where we plan.
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