How to Find Freedom from Comparison in Your Business

how to find freedom from comparison in your business
how to find freedom from comparison in your business

We All Struggle with Comparison

Do you ever log on to social media and see another person winning at life and feel like you can’t measure up? Or do you struggle when you see other people’s offers like courses or podcasts and feel inadequate because it just means there is ANOTHER thing you have to worry about in your business? I know that I do both of these things and more! This is a sign that you want to find freedom from comparison.

Comparison is something all creative entrepreneurs struggle with. Whether it happens when you’re scrolling through social media or when you are working on your own projects, it can be very isolating and discouraging. The truth that you are not alone! Today I want to help bring some freedom into your life and show you how to begin to overcome comparison in your business.

Principles to Keep In Mind About Comparison

I want to tell you some things. I know you already know this, but it’s important to remind yourself of these things. Remember: social media is not reality. It only shows part of the picture. You can’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel.

Not only that, when you compare yourself to someone else, you’re comparing yourself to someone you were never meant to! You see, we all have different callings, different roles, different giftings and talents, different schedules, and different lives. And yet somehow we think that we have to be a certain way to be successful or look like everyone else. That is simply not true!

Business is not a one size fits all formula. Some photographers like to do in-person sales and they swear by it! Whereas other photographers just give digital galleries and that’s it. Some business owners take monthly payments from their clients, some take payments per project, and some take quarterly payments. Some teachers and coaches offer group classes, others offer courses, others offer only individual trainings, and some offer all of the above. There truly is no right or wrong way to do it. So there is no reason to compare your business to someone else’s when they have a different model or approach!

The result when we compare ourselves to people is often overwhelming! You might wonder what do I do? Where do I start? How can I even keep you? How do people have time for this?

I hear you. I have been there. So today I hope to help make things a little bit easier for you.

How to Find Freedom from Comparison in Your Business

Start with Why

The first thing to break free from the comparison trap is to start with your why. What is your purpose? Why were you put on this earth? Why do you believe you exist? Ask yourself these big why questions. And go three WHYs deep. Asking yourself why and then asking it again and one more time will help you get to your root desire. Here’s an example:

  • Why am I a private photo editor? Because I want to have my nights and weekends free
  • Why? Because I want to spend time with my friends and my husband
  • Why? Because relationships are the most important thing in my life

You can also think about it by asking where you want to be when you’re 80. Think about what you need to do to get there. These kinds of questions can help you discover your purpose and your definition of success. If you need further help, check out my FREE guide on How to Discover Your Definition of Success

I also firmly believe in writing down your purpose. For every project, write down how it fits into your purpose. You need to know why it matters so that you can come back to it when you’re struggling with imposter syndrome. You can come back to it when you’re feeling unmotivated. And you can come back to it when you feel like your work is useless or not working. Or when you feel like everyone else has it figured out. Getting clear on your purpose and keeping it in front of you will help you remember why you’re doing it in the first place so you can feel content with where you are. Because you are amazing and only you can do things the way you do!

Turn off the Noise

The next thing to do to find freedom from comparison is to turn off the noise. Maybe unfollow the people that tend to slip you up the most. Consider doing a social media fast. Unsubscribe from those emails from other people in your niche. We think that we have to follow them for inspiration but you don’t! If you can’t hear your voice because the others are too loud then turn them off. I find that the best way to quit comparison is to dive into my work and my calling, and I can’t do that when I’m constantly listening to other people.

Be Kind to Yourself

I used to think that the phrase “love yourself” was sort of mumbo jumbo. But then I read Brene Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection and realized how much I talk negatively about myself and how much it actually affects not just my view of myself but my view of others.

You see, I want you to recognize that you are unique, you are valuable, and you are loved. You were made uniquely you. Everything about you – your personality, your interests, your values, your skills and talents – it all works together to form a unique you. You were made for a reason!!! You have more potential than you know. Isaiah 43:4 says, “you are precious in my eyes and honored and I love you”

Whatever it is that you’re working on matters, and it matters that YOU do it because you are specifically gifted for that area! If it is aligned with your purpose, it matters.

So, the next time you need to find freedom from comparison remind yourself of your why, turn off the noise, and be kind to yourself!

Want to download a guide with these steps? Check it out here!

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