There are 5 common goal setting mistakes that I see business owners making when it’s time to set their goals! You can download my FREE guide to get all of them. But to get you excited, I’m sharing the first one here!
Mistake 1: Leaving Out the “HOW”
Ever set a goal and had utter panic set in when you tried to start accomplishing it? Odds are your goal was too vague. When a goal is too vague, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Here are some examples:
- Grow my email list to 1000 subscribers
- Start a Podcast
- Get 10 more clients by the end of the year
At first glance, these goals don’t look too vague. They have some specificity & metrics built in. But if you aren’t setting micro goals within your larger goals, you’re going to be overwhelmed which leads to procrastination & ultimately giving up on goals.
With every goal you set, you should not only list what your goal is but HOW you are going to accomplish the goal. Be sure you’re listing specific, actionable microgoals that will speficially tell you HOW you will achieve your goal.
Solution: Set specific micro-goals within your macro-goals
Let’s try it together. Instead of saying, “Start a Podcast,” get specific.
First, list your macro goal and include a date or timeframe you will have it finished.
Then, list the microgoals underneath. Make them specific & actionable. This will take the overwhelm out of it! Here’s an example:
I will launch a podcast by _____ date. I will accomplish it by:
- Asking my audience about topics they want to hear
- Deciding on a theme for my podcast
- Selecting the first 8 episodes (from my audience & own ideas!)
- Asking 3 podcasters what software, equipment, & music they use
- Deciding which software & equipment to use & making any necessary purchases
- Deciding on a title for my podcast
- Making cover art for my podcast
- Watching at least 3 videos on how to edit a podcast on YouTube
- Selecting my intro music
- Batch recording the first 8 episodes
- Batch editing the first 8 episodes
- Scheduling the first 8 episodes
- Scheduling 5 social media posts hyping up the launch!
- Launching the Podcast!
See that? Instead of just saying WHAT, we’ve decided HOW we will accomplish the goal. These steps are ready to take action on!
Want the other 4 common mistakes & solutions? Download My Free Guide!
In this guide, you’re going to learn the top 5 mistakes people make when it comes to goal setting & how to avoid them. If you avoid these 5 mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to accomplishing your goals consistently!!
- Why your previous goal setting systems have failed in the past & how to never make the same mistakes again
- How to build actionable steps into your goals so you can stop feeling scattered & beat overwhelm
- The best ways to stay crush your goals consistently!
Download it HERE!
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