Yellowstone National Park | Our Great American Road Trip | Part 6

Yellowstone National Park is one of the coolest places on earth! A couple weeks ago I told you about our spontaneous excursion to Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park after visiting Colorado. We had a couple of extra days in our road trip agenda, so we decided to make our way to this glorious park. We are so glad that we did!! Here is a photo recap of some of the incredible sights that we saw!

If you are traveling to Yellowstone for the first time, make sure you get an early start! I have a funny story to tell you, but it wasn’t funny at the time! As Ashley and I were loading up our car to leave Cody, we accidentally locked our keys in the trunk. Oops!! Thankfully, Ashley had signed up for AAA before we left for our trip. It took the locksmith just over an hour to reach us, which is pretty good for being in the middle of Wyoming! We are SO glad that we were able to get back on the road. But because we got a late start, we couldn’t fit everything in one day like we had planned.

If you aren’t interested in camping or hiking, you can actually see a lot of beautiful sights in just one day! Make sure you plan your route ahead of time. There is only one road that travels through the park, and it’s shaped like a figure 8. There are just two entrances to the park on either side of the figure 8. So, once you make your way around one loop of the figure 8, you’re committed to following it through. You will drive the loop and stop and different sights along the way.

Since Yellowstone was more of a get-out-of-your-car, walk-to-a-cool-sight, get-back-in-your-car kind of place, it ended up not being my favorite stop on the trip. The sights we saw were stunning, but I’m not a fan of huge crowds, finding parking, and general sight seeing. I like hiking, kayaking, and spending time out of the car. But we probably spent more time in the car than out of it! Either way, we still saw some glorious sights, and I’m excited to share these photos with you today!

The Drive to Yellowstone

Wyoming is GORGEOUS! We took a scenic route to the park and stopped at some overlooks along the way.

We made it!!

Mammoth Hot Springs

Our first stop was Mammoth Hot Springs. It was so other-worldly!! It looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I’ve never seen anything like it!

See what I mean about a wasteland? It’s incredible!

These petrified trees are insane!

A closeup of the mineral buildup

Celestial Pool

This was one of my favorite stops!! The water was so clear! I love this little hot spring.


Wildlife Sightings

There is so much wildlife in Yellowstone! We saw so many elk, and tons of buffalo! Make sure you stay away from the buffalo though, they aren’t friendly!

When a buffalo crosses the road, everyone waits. This guy stood there for over 30 minutes, and we…. well, we just waited!!

Grand Prismatic Spring

This is what you see on postcards of Yellowstone! It’s unreal! Since I don’t have a drone, I didn’t get an angle from above, but this was so amazing!

The colors are so vibrant!Yellowstone  

Geysers and Sulphur Springs

We stopped at several other geysers, springs, and sulphur springs along the way. This is the kind of stuff you won’t see anywhere else!!

We even made it to Old Faithful and got to see it erupt! I didn’t take a photo, but I do have a video! I’ll share it sometime!

Yellowstone Lake

Yellowstone Lake is without a doubt the most peaceful, serene, beautiful lake I’ve ever seen. We got to see it at sunset and during the day!! It is so calm and inviting. I want to go back and kayak on the lake!!

    Yellowstone Lake

The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and Yellowstone Falls

A breathtaking view. The grandeur of Yellowstone Falls is incomparable!!

Yellowstone Falls

So excited to be at Yellowstone, and that we got to spend 5 minutes in Montana, too! 😀


Happy Travels!!

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