Combatting Marketing Fatigue as a Creative

combatting marketing fatigue as a creative with juli smith of the garter girl
combatting marketing fatigue as a creative with juli smith of the garter girl

What Does Marketing Fatigue Look Like?

First, we are better able to realize we are experiencing marketing fatigue by a feeling. It feels bad. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, tired, or marketing your business is overwhelming, that is marketing fatigue. Sometimes just putting words to the feeling is helpful. Another piece is if you’re scared to stop because you don’t know what will happen could be marketing fatigue.

With new apps and trends, it can be overwhelming. The thought of adding another platform to your plate may just make you snap.

Tiktok, Reels, & Trends, OH MY!

Instagram, Pinterest, and Tiktok are changing every second. Sometimes it feels like once we get a system down everything changes. Usually what happens is we buy a new course to teach us how to use it. There is a fear that if you’re not the first on the new trends that you’re done. But you actually don’t need ot feel that way. But Juli suggests that there is a better way.

How to Combat Marketing Fatigue

First, Remember where you make money. If you are a maker like Juli, you can’t compare yourself to someone who makes YouTube videos or Tiktoks for entertainment. Her business model isn’t Instagram reels. Knowing where you make your money can help you prioritize your tasks.

Second, understand that marketing fatigue is normal. Other people feel it, including those who are very successful. You are not alone. It’s real. Knowing that can take the temperature down.

Third, and most practically, remember your goals. What are your goals for being on a new platform or for using a feature?

It’s okay to not jump on the new bandwagon. Stick to your goals and your business plan. If you say no right now, it doesn’t mean it’s a no forever. It could just be a no for right now. The voices that say you should do it right now are very loud. But you can stick to your goals and you have permission to follow what feels good for your business. (9:30) (15:45) (21:00)

Remember Your Goals

Juli has 3 Instagram goals. They are clear, specific, and they drive her actions. Her goals are 1) to show she is open for business 2) to show that she is a real person and 3) to show her custom work because that’s her bread & butter and that’s what people want to see. Do you see how knowing her goals makes it really easy for Juli to get specific on Instagram?

For her, she posts every day, she shows her face every couple of weeks and she shows her custom work. She might also show her face in some behind the scenes videos on her stories.

You can adapt this model to work for you. Get really clear and really specific on your goals and let that determine your actions. Knowing your goals liberates you to do the work that will actually make you money. When you know your goals you don’t have to be a slave to the algorithm.

Knowing Your Goals Brings Freedom

Since Juli is super clear on her goals, she actually doesn’t have to freak out about engagement, likes commets, reels, etc. All she has to do is set up her posts to regularly go out using an Isntagram scheduler & make sure she’s sharing her custom work & photos of herself.

You want to do what feels good for you. If you don’t want to sell on Instagram that’s okay.

How to Make an Informed Decision

Do what feels good for you only goes so far. You have to be informed to know what will work and what will not work. If you’re on a sales page for someone’s course, how do you know if it’s right for you? It’s okay to try it for yourself. Maybe you try Reels out for a while. If it works for you, GREAT. If it doesn’t, GREAT.

You can allow yourself the freedom to explore, to try new things, and to know that you CAN try something until it stops working. It doesn’t have to be forever. You can test things out slowly. It’s okay to wait and see. If you have a full inbox and things you need to do, ask yourself if that really needs to be on your to do list.

If it Meets One of Your Goals, That’s Success

Remember that one person’s success is not the same as yours. Just focus on your own goals. If you’re not getting the business you want, or the right business, or enough business, then you have to go back to your marketing goals. Will trying the new feature move the needle a little bit? Maybe it will!

Or maybe it’s time to evaluate things like getting the right kind of inquiries or getting more leads. Maybe your bottleneck is something totally different than what you thought. Before you waste time on the newest trend, get a birds eye view of your business & figure out where the problem is actually happening.

There’s More Than One Way to Do Business

Remember that there’s more than one way to do business. There are a lot of very successful businesses that operate only on social media. There are also very successful businesses that aren’t on social media at all. Business is not one size fits all. There are thousands of options. Instead of being overwhelmed, recognize that there are a lot of ways to market a business and you can go with what feels good for you.

Remember marketing fatigue is normal. You are normal and you are not alone. Remember that you don’t have to say no forever. It can be a no for right now. If you need help with this, reach out to Juli or myself for some more resources & help.

About Juli

Julianne Smith is a nationally recognized wedding accessory designer, digital media strategist and small business educator. Julianne is the owner of The Garter Girl, a stylish wedding garter design company she started in 2004, after she couldn’t find a wedding heirloom worthy of her best friend.

The Garter Girl is known for stylish and meticulously handmade wedding heirloomsthat are too pretty to toss. The Garter Girl and Julianne have been featured on NBC’s Today Show, Lifetime, The Knot, Martha Stewart, Brides, and Glamour as well as many top wedding magazines and blogs.

Julianne helps creative small businesses throughout the wedding industry who are struggling and confused with their online presence. Julianne offers done-for-you services, online courses,and speaking engagements on search engine optimization, blogging, and Pinterest.

Connect with Juli: @thegartergirl

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