Katie Jaynes from Katie Jaynes Photography shares with me how community helped her grow her business. What started out as being the friend who photographed all the special occasions turned into a successful Wedding & Portrait Photography business serving Anderson and the Upstate that’s 8+ years strong. Katie also shares what it’s like working with her husband, Mitchel, and how they manage their work now as new parents. It’s a great story that any business owner with kids could relate to. You are not alone!
This episode was original published on the Rising Tide Greenville Podcast. The Rising Tide Society is a community that exists to empower the creative economy and unite small business owners in the spirit of community over competition. We meet every month to learn & grow in business but also to support each other and cheer each other on in our business journeys. We believe that you were built to belong & that there is power in community.
Follow Katie: katiejaynes.com
Follow Christi: christijohnsoncreative.com
Learn more about The Rising Tide Society: greenville.therisingtidesociety.com