Nurture Sequence Writing Tips: The Third Email

Email Nurture Sequence The Third Email
Email Nurture Sequence - The Third Email

What’s a Nurture Sequence?

A nurture sequence (or a welcome sequence) is a series of emails that someone would receive after subscribing to your list by way of a lead magnet. It’s a 3, 5, or 8 email sequence with one email going out each day.  The goal of the welcome sequence would be for the customer to purchase something – your product, services, package, something that you offer. 

After they complete the nurture sequence, they would be put on your regular email list. The welcome sequence is different from a special newsletter series or your regular list. The nurture sequence is introducing them to your services & showing them how you can help. You should write each email with the end goal in mind. 

Your lead magnet should be related to your end goal as well. The logical next step of your lead magnet & your welcome sequence should be to sign up to whatever it is that you’re offering to them. 

Today we are going to be talking about the third email in the nurture welcome sequence! Be sure to check out my episodes on The First Email & The Second Email if you haven’t already!

The Third Email: Offer the Solution

In the first email, you introduce yourself. In the second email, you put yourself in your potential customer’s shoes & present the problem that your service or product will help to solve

The third email is where you offer the solution. This is the product you are selling! This is your pitch to them. After the second email, they should want what you’ve got! It should be an easy yes to them. 

All you’re doing is answering the questions or solving the problems you’ve already laid out in email 2. So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here! Present the antidote to email 2. 

Last week we talked about an exercise you can do. Write 100 things you want your clients to feel after going through your course or working with you. Use these words here! Focus on the feelings & emotions they will experience after working with you. My girl Chelsea Foster taught me this technique and it WORKS!

If you presented a story in email 2, continue it in email 3. Here’s an example of one of my stories! I present two characters & talk about how each person feels. It’s Stressed Out Stephanie & Confident Caroline. I would introduce Stressed Out Stephanie in email 2 and Confident Caroline in email 3 

Stressed Out Stephanie

  • wakes up immediately overwhelmed by her massive to do list
  • constantly gets distracted, never feeling like she accomplishes anything
  • feels like there’s just not enough time to keep up with everyone else

Confident Caroline

  • wakes up, does yoga, takes a long breakfast, has plans to see a friend later
  • excited about getting to work & knows that everything will get done at the right time
  • wrapping up her q2 goals and already has a plan for q3

Know Your Audience & Use Their Exact Words

You need to know your audience to make sure it will be a story they relate to. Last week we also talked about doing market research to get in peoples shoes and find out their roadblocks in their words 

Here you can use your client’s words to put the solutions/feelings in their words. People who have gone through your program or used your services. Ask them to tell you what you provided – how you helped. Use their actual words! 

You can put a whole testimonial – but you want to keep the email short. If you have some really powerful testimonials, you can do a 5 email sequence. 

  • Intro
  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Testimonials
  • Why Now (Create scarcity)

Guess what?

After doing this work on the nurture sequence – you can do the same things on your sales page! (check out mine HERE & you can see what I mean! It’s the same stuff! No tricks here!)

Example Third Email​

Hey there, *insert name here*!

Yesterday I shared some real feelings I’ve had as a business owner and I’m pretty sure you’ve probably felt some of them too. Today I want to tell you how to find freedom!

​It’s called a values-based productivity plan.

A what?!

Let’s break that down:


  • Know which goals to set
  • Know which goals to prioritize
  • Keep you from the comparison trap


  • To know how to spend your time
  • To avoid time-wasters


  • So you know exactly which steps to follow so you don’t get overwhelmed
  • Strategies for when you feel stuck

​Can you imagine?!

  • Waking up excited to get to work because you love what you do
  • Having time to do what you love, spend time with family, & go out with friends
  • Regularly crushing your goals & making room for new ones
  • Beating the comparison game because you know what success means to you
  • Having a clear vision for your life & knowing you’re doing exactly what you should
  • Knowing everything is going to get done without having to stress about it

​Would you like in on that?! I’ve created a system to help you build your dream biz! You can find out all about it >HERE<

​Cheering you on,


Nurture Sequence Recap

The first email in your welcome sequence is where you introduce yourself. In the second email, put yourself in their shows & present the problem that your service or product will help to solve. The third email will offer the solution (your product!)

This is your pitch to them. After the second email, they should want what you’ve got! It should be an easy yes to them. 

Know your audience through market research & testimonials. And you can repurpose what you write for your nurture sequence in your sales page!

You’ve got this!

Got questions? I got answers!

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